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Austin, Texas, United States
I am your Political Jedi, who will answer any of your political questions. I am a student at ACC and this Blog is for GOVT 2305. Political View: Conservative

17 September 2008

THE Campaign Ad of the Century

This video is THE campaign ad of the century. It is titled simply "Dear Mr. Obama".
It gives you a sense of what would happen to the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan if Barack Obama became president.

10 September 2008

Best and Worst of the RNC

This article tells you about the highs and lows of the Republican National Convention. It also tells you what wasn't put on the television coverage. The highs include Sarah Palin's speech, Fred Thompson's speech and some kind words toward Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton. The lows were Jesse Ventura's arithmetic problems, Rudy Giuliani's overly long speech and the fact that after Palin's speech, Obama gained around $8 million in contributions.
This article is quite interesting and sums up the Republican National Convention, in a nutshell, very well. Any readers of this post should definitely read the full article along with some of the related articles.