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Austin, Texas, United States
I am your Political Jedi, who will answer any of your political questions. I am a student at ACC and this Blog is for GOVT 2305. Political View: Conservative

10 December 2008

More Governmental Bailouts...Now to the Tune of $800 Billion!

This is a reply to Ryan Riojas’ post on Political Soup titled Does anybody know what’s going on?. He is talking about the new federal bailout to the tune of another $800 billion. I believe that that is entirely way too much of our taxpayer money going to those bankers and CEOs that caused this crisis in the first place. If you give more money to those people, you are just feeding the flames and making the problem worse. The government should give them that money only under conditions that will fix the problem and require oversight by not just the government, but by economists and other learned financial persons. They should also show accountability and responsibility. If the government keeps giving money to the wasteful bankers and CEOs, we will have a serious problem on our hands as they squander away our hard-earned money . It could put the country in dire straits for generations to come, and may even hinder our ability to defend ourselves.