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Austin, Texas, United States
I am your Political Jedi, who will answer any of your political questions. I am a student at ACC and this Blog is for GOVT 2305. Political View: Conservative

22 November 2008

Obamas New Workforce

A new article from Fox News says that President-Elect Barack Obama has declared the country is facing a huge economic crisis of historical proportions. Perhaps it is, or perhaps it is not.

Obama has outlined a plan to create nearly 2.5 million new jobs to rebuild the infrastructure of this country along with developing new energy sources and producing better, more efficient cars.

That is all well and good, but how about actually treating the disease, not the symptom? Maybe, as opposed to creating those jobs to prevent others from becoming unemployed as the economy crashes even further, Obama should actually fix the economy.

Some pundits compare this crisis to the Great Depression but others call it a recession, so who knows? It may actually get to be that bad. If it does, we as a nation are in big trouble. Those of us that are college undergrads may find ourselves with no job prospects when we graduate. In China, there was a college student protest because of the fact that there is a white collar job shortage. (See link for full article from the Statesman)

If our nation gets that bad it won’t just be college grads that are out of a job. It will also affect a lot of other people, such as Joe the CEO, Joe the Plumber, and Joe Six-Pack just to name a few.

I think that Obama’s idea to create new jobs will help the economic crisis, but will not cure it. For that to happen, the nation, both the citizenry and the government, needs to spend less and save more, which hopefully, will fix the economy and its many problems. Good luck getting the nation to do that, Mr. President.

A link to the original article is below: (The article actually has several typos and/or grammar errors.)

Obama's New Workforce

11 November 2008

Should We Vote?

I am commenting on Deborah’s most recent post on iGov: ‘I Think we Should Vote’.

I agree 100% with what she is saying and believe it is absolutely necessary to vote in any election. If everybody says “my vote doesn’t really count, so I’m not going to vote” then nobody goes to vote, and nobody is elected. That can’t be good for our democracy.

Another point she brings up is that, sometimes, a person doesn’t like either candidate and therefore doesn’t vote. If you are in that position, go for the lesser of two evils and vote for the one you hate the least.

Here is an interesting side note: Keith Olbermann, the psycho host of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, has never voted, even though he makes a living smashing and destroying the candidate that he doesn’t like.

Yet another good point is that the American populace needs to become more active in the election process than they are by reading articles or watching the news. You need to be informed about the candidates so you can make a well thought out decision come Election Day.